Who is God? What is He like? And what does His existence have to do with my life here and now?

These questions are the heart beat of the Vic Park SDA Church. As members of the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church our passion lies in exploring, discovering and communicating the biblical picture of God's heart. In the end, it's not about us. It's about Him.

Here is a brief overview of what we believe.

  1. We believe that God is Love. Love in the Bible is not merely a sentiment, it is the principle of other-centered living. This principle is the foundation of who God is and what He is like.
  2. We believe that God is Creator. God created us to be in a love relationship with Him and we will never be satisfied or fulfilled outside of this. A relationship with Him and a life lived in harmony with His law is the way God designed us to thrive spiritually, physically and emotionally.
  3. We believe that God is Giver. Everything that we have is a gift of God. Because He gives, we as His children are called to be givers as well. God calls us to pattern our time, finances and resources to build His kingdom and be a blessing to others, not just ourselves.
  4. We believe that God is Restorer. Love demands freedom and with freedom comes the risk of rebellion. This rebellion took place in heaven and spread to the earth. But God gave His son Jesus to die for us to cleanse our sin and restore our broken relationship.
  5. We believe that God is Friend. From the beginning of the Bible God is shown to be close to man. The Biblical concept of a sanctuary simply means this: God dwells with us. Today, God is present via the church which is entrusted with communicating His truth to the world.
  6. We believe that God is Healer. God is active all throughout the human story and today He is working via His church to bring healing to individual lives and communities. God is in the business of healing our world and bringing all things back to their intended beauty.
  7. We believe that God is King. Jesus is coming again and when He does He will establish an eternal kingdom, built on the foundation of love, that will never end. All are invited to this eternal kingdom and our mission as a church is to extend the invitation to everyone. 

To explore our beliefs and how they communicate the heart of God in more detail, click the "learn more" button below. To plan a visit, click the "plan visit" button!